Business As A Channel To Do Good

When we first came together with the idea to form a company, it was with a common  understanding of wanting to use our work to embody our values and believing that corporate infrastructure could be used as a channel for good. All three of us (Allison Barkel, Caroline Horste, & Kyle Martin) began our careers in higher education: a place that, for all its flaws, is also a unique microcosm of mostly great people trying to do a lot of mostly good things. 

This intersection of great people working for good continues to intrigue and inspire our work now. Higher education also imparted a number of gifts: we developed a hunger for equity and justice, we studied human development theory, and we challenged ourselves to be better, and more critical thinkers. 

Since leaving our careers in higher education, we have each moved on to very different sectors of the non-profit and corporate worlds. We brought our many skills and values from higher education, realizing that they could absolutely be applied – and thrive – in a corporate environment. But as we continued on our career paths, we kept looking for the perfect intersection of corporate efficiency and agility alongside the values and developmental focus of higher education… and coming up blank.

We’d check in with each other and find that our conversations kept coming back to a few familiar themes: “It doesn’t have to be this way,” or “We would do this differently,” or “Where are the ethics?”. So, like so many entrepreneurs before us, we decided we would do it differently. 

And – over a year of Zoom calls, group chats, an ever-expanding Google Drive “Ideas” folder, and a roster of clients working to make change in their own fields – Boundless Impact was born.

As Boundless Impact, we are a group of consultants with rich experience and skills in project management, organizational leadership, executive consulting & coaching, program development/management, marketing strategy & technology, and so much more – all enriched by a deep commitment to sustainability & justice, human and organizational development, and leading with love. 

We support clients with the same desire for change, hope for the future, and commitment to the triple bottom line – profit, planet, and people. Whether an organization is a small company looking for an extra set of hands (or three!) or a non-profit looking to build a new program, we are here to help. With a compassionate heart and a critical eye, we will bring a client-driven approach with excellence and competency. 

Our Community 

Regardless of your own background, if you’re here, you likely believe (as we do) in the power of community, and that many hands make light work.

More specifically, if you (like us) studied and loved the Social Change model, you might recognize our enduring belief that leadership and change are best formed in collaboration. We do our work alongside many other great organizations, and wanted to share a few that we support with either our time, financial resources, or both:

Up Next 

Why “Boundless Impact”, you ask? Can impact really be boundless? You just know we’ve got thoughts on this. See you next month to find out. 😏